The 2nd Tuesday of each month;

6 PM to 7:30 PM EST


A Community Meditation & Discussion

You don't have to walk the spiritual path alone. Click the button below to join.


The 2nd Tuesday of each month;

6 PM to 7:30 PM, EST


A Community Meditation & Discussion

You Don't Have To Walk The Spiritual Path Alone. Click The Button Below To Join.

You don't have to walk the spiritual path alone.

Share in meaningful group discussions and guided meditation. Join a community of like-minded people seeking peace, healing, and higher spiritual potential.

Open to people at all stages from beginner to advanced.

The group energy amplifies and supports a deepening of awareness for everyone involved.

Beginners can learn from those who are further along.

More advanced practitioners benefit through shared energy and new perspectives.

Stay connected with the community between events.

The Gathering Was GREAT! Thank you SO much for this. I appreciate the serendipity with which you and this gathering of like-spirited people appeared at this pivotal time to remind me that I still can reconnect with my truest nature, as well as connect with others who understand the subtle but fecund power of genuine agape love.” 

- Diana K

"Gratifying experience... a dedicated time and space to gain insight from others as to our spiritual journey. Jeff possesses great insight as to the conflicts that may arise with a person's healing journey and addresses them with great intuition.” 

- Christine Drysdale

This shared group experience will help you confidently:

Create greater peace, insight, and inspiration

Invite growth, healing, and transformation

Integrate and embody spiritual wisdom into your daily life

Release the stresses of life and connect deeply with your Self

Create meaningful conversations and connections focused on spiritual truth

Access support and guidance for your personal spiritual path

What To Expect During The Event

HostED BY:

Jeff Craft 
(Kali Das)

Each live event will include the following elements:

  • Opening & Centering: Creating an intentional conscious group connection
  • Spiritual Teaching: A short introduction to a spiritual principle or teaching
  • Guided Contemplation: Time  to reflect on your experience of this spiritual principle
  • Guided Meditation: Integrate the principle and deepen your connection with your True Self
  • Group Discussion: Discuss, listen and share experiences and insights. Explore ways to bring this wisdom into your daily life
  • Open Q&A: Ask Jeff any questions you may have about the path of healing and spiritual awakening
  • Closure/Integration: a final moment to receive and integrate your experience.

“I really felt the oneness with the meditation. It definitely put me in a place of love and joy. That is the first time I have experienced anything like that energetically, it was a phenomenal experience. Thank you!”

- December Stephens

Continue Receiving Support Even After The Event

Access Community Connection & Support

Stay connected with the community through the free online discussion group. Continue the shared journey and support each other between events/sessions. This allows you to continue the discussion and make new friends.

Experience the Power of Community

A Community Meditation and Discussion

Date: the 2nd Tuesday of each month
Time: 6 PM to 7:30 PM, Eastern Time
Location: Virtual - Zoom
Cost: Free (Donations are accepted)

Join Us!  Register Below:

[events_list limit=”1″ tag=”gathering”]{has_bookings}


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Feedback from Past Community Events

“I can't wait to see what more Jeff has to offer. I was hanging his every word. Jeff will take you to the next level. You'll step outside your box, and like it!

- Keisha Hall

“Thank you! This was an extraordinary experience for me. I am still trying to find words to describe what happened to me that night. I felt a connection to a higher essence that was beautiful. Thank you for having a group like this. I wish the whole world were ready to connect like this. It would be a completely different place.

- Roz P.

“Great experience. The most peace I have felt in years. Very impressed and I don't impress easily.” 

- Donna Harris

As usual there are really no human words to describe this experience. Awesome comes the closest. My friend was incredibly moved. Just what he needed.”

- Dee Sechelski
