Tantric Healing Clearing Clutter from Heart and Mind

Tantric Healing: Clearing Clutter from Heart and Mind

There is a laundry room and storage area in the basement of my home which has become overly filled with useless things.  It is not a large room to begin with, but the free wall space and shelf space have become full to the point where additional items are spilling out, slowly overtaking any practical floor space.  There is just barely enough room to get in and do laundry and get out.  Occasionally I will trip over some random item en route.

The open floor space has also become the storage area for the vacuum.  In recent months, another member of my household has decided that “the vacuum is in the way, and must be put somewhere else.”  Whether fair or not, I find this concept amusing.  To my mind, the vacuum is one of only a handful of things in the room that is actually useful, worth keeping and stored in a convenient location.

The “Clutter” You Imagine

It amuses me to think that the vacuum, the very essence of a clean floor, is the “enemy” when all around the room are stacks of ceramic tiles that will never be used, an abundance of scrap wood which will likely serve no future purpose, close to 20 cans of half-used paint from previous projects, and an empty, barely clean birdcage from a pet that died three years ago.  The list goes on to include power tools that have not been properly stored (because you can’t get to the shelf space where they should go), endless random construction items like doorknobs, screws, nails, and of course a studio-sized four-burner gas stove and oven that was purchased over 8 years ago for a specific project, and have never been used because the project needs were altered.

The majority of items will practically never be used, and the items which are worth keeping are not stored in a manner that is an efficient use of space or convenient to get to.  Yet somehow, because the vacuum is in the walkable floor area, IT is “in the way”.  I laugh to myself as I see all the useless items disappear, and the vacuum cleaner sitting quietly and peacefully alone, snuggled up next to the now inaccessible wall, completely out of the walking path in a now open room.

This situation, however, stimulated in me the following questions.  “How often do we fail to see the real ‘problem’ or ’cause’ of the ‘obstacles’ we see in our lives?  How often do we define the ‘Vacuum’  or the discomfort in the moment as the problem, when the deeper issue is the piles of useless junk which clutter our hearts and minds?”  It is so much easier to look at and respond to the resulting crisis than it is to look at all of the influences, choices and actions which led up to it.  The “vacuum” is not the problem.  The junk that prevents it from having a proper home is.

Tantric Healing: Clearing Clutter from Heart and Mind
As part of the Tantric healing process, we learn to clean up and clear out the past conditioning so we can be free and fresh at the moment.  In this way, we remove the clutter from our hearts and mind and keep the energy of our life flowing freely, and the enjoyable and useful experiences have room in our lives and our hearts.

The Real Clutter That Needs Tantric Healing

An important part of the path of personal growth and transformation is the ability to open self-awareness and observe the role we play in the experiences we have in life.  To stop blaming the Vacuum when what we really need to do is acknowledge and deal with the “mess” that brought about the situation.  Taking personal responsibility for what we have done and what we have not done, and then consciously addressing those areas of our lives, rather than simply reacting to the outcome and acting surprised or as if it has been “done to us” by some outside cruel force of the universe.

In some cases, the “mess” was created long ago through our conditioning in childhood or past lives.  As part of the Tantric healing process, we learn to clean up and clear out the past conditioning so we can be free and fresh in the moment.  In this way, we remove the clutter from our hearts and mind, and keep the energy of our life flowing freely, and the enjoyable and useful experiences have room in our lives and our hearts.  When our hearts and minds are cluttered, there is no room for what is joyful and peaceful, because all of life revolves around “finding a place for the vacuum”.

Joy, Love, and Happiness all should be a part of your life as they are a part of your True Nature. If you are struggling to create a place for them in your life, then stop and look at the ways you can clear up the mental clutter and energetic conditioning from the past to open space for them in your heart.  Simple meditation practices can help calm the mind, giving your greater peace, focus and self-awareness.  Tantric Energy Clearing practices can be learned from a Tantric teacher or practitioner.   Through a combination of healing sessions and self-healing at home, you can use these techniques to clear the inner landscape of your Heart and Awareness and create space for Joy and Love to arise.

The next time an “obstacle” arises in your life, stop and ask yourself “How did this experience get created?  Is there some practical way I could have prevented it?  Can I correct the situation to prevent it from happening again?”  And then take the practical steps to clean up “the mess” whether that means cleaning out the laundry room to make room for the vacuum, or seeking assistance to energetically clear your mind and heart so you can re-harmonize your life.

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