The Spiritual Awakening Roadmap

Get Clear on the Journey...

Start your spiritual awakening with a clear path and purpose. Understanding where you are headed and how to get there is essential for success.

7.55 HOURS








7.55 HOURS



Do You Know Where You Are Headed?

Imagine getting on an airplane without knowing your destination. 

The Spiritual Path is called a “Journey” for a reason.  It’s meant to be clear, helping you navigate obstacles, stay on track, and reach your final destination quickly.

Overcome Modern Confusion

Today, books and the internet offer fragmented information, leaving many seekers confused and overwhelmed. Instead, you need a clear, focused overview of the Spiritual Path to ensure your efforts are serving your awakening process.

The Real-Life Struggles on Your Spiritual Journey 

You’re not alone if you’ve found yourself stuck or overwhelmed.  Here’s why many sincere seekers find it hard to move forward:

  • Struggling to Balance Daily Life: Between work, family, and health, finding time for dedicated spiritual practice can start to feel like another task on an already long to-do list.
  • Overwhelmed by Information: Ever feel like you’re drowning in a sea of spiritual teachings, practices, and philosophies? It’s like standing at a crossroads with a hundred signs pointing in different directions.
  • Feeling Lost and Confused: You’ve read the books, attended the workshops, and maybe even joined online forums. But without a structured plan, it’s like trying to navigate a labyrinth in the dark.
  • Struggling with Self-Doubt: With so many teachings and practices out there, it’s easy to start doubting whether you’re on the right path or if you’re making any real progress.
  • Emotional Overwhelm: Past emotional wounds or traumas can unexpectedly surface, making the spiritual path feel like an uphill battle.

“Unsure how to proceed and navigate my healing and spiritual journey, I came across Jeff’s material and this course has helped me establish a foundation; a much needed foundation with direction, and tools to use in tandem with the teachings. I am grateful.”

– Michelle Howard

What Every Modern Seeker Needs

Instead of more information, you need the right information.

You need answers to foundational questions, like:

  • Where is the Spiritual Journey taking me?
  • What is the true purpose and goal of the Spiritual Path?
  • What are the essential practices I need to make progress?
  • How do I heal emotional pain and trauma?
  • What should I know before I begin or continue the journey?
  • What will I experience along the path?
  • What are the common obstacles and how can I avoid them?
  • How can I measure my spiritual progress?
  • How do I integrate my spiritual path into my daily life?

It’s Time for Clarity

The answers to these questions form a foundation and context to the entire process. If you don’t know the answers to these questions it can be challenging to make consistent progress. Lack of clarity creates confusion, hesitation, and inconsistent results.

Your Roadmap to Spiritual Clarity and Inner Peace

Thankfully, there are clear teachings and focused steps that can help you navigate life’s ups and downs while reducing stress and cultivating peace, love, and joy.

With the right foundation, you can confidently step forward on your spiritual path, create a focused practice that will accelerate your Spiritual Awakening, and finally experience a deep embodiment of Spiritual Truth.

In this powerful 4 Lesson Course, you’ll learn to:

  • Wake Up to What Truly Matters: Start each day with laser-focused purpose, focusing on the most essential wisdom and the exact steps to uncover your True Self.
  • Navigate Your Unique Path with Clarity: Eliminate guesswork with a step-by-step guide tailored to your current spiritual stage.
  • Turn Everyday Life into Spiritual Practice: Seamlessly weave spirituality into daily routines, transforming mundane moments into fuel for spiritual growth.
  • Build Unshakeable Confidence and Trust: Gain rock-solid confidence and trust in your spiritual journey, erasing doubts and accelerating your progress.
  • Master the Art of Deep Healing and Peace: Dissolve emotional wounds and mental barriers, replacing them with a lasting sense of peace and resilience

The Curriculum

I’ve distilled decades of spiritual wisdom and practical experience into a roadmap designed for sincere spiritual seekers like you.

Whether you are fairly new to the spiritual path or have been exploring it for decades, these 4 Classes are designed to remove past confusion and doubts. They awaken clarity on what actually matters so that you can increase your confidence, experience deeper peace, and accelerate the Spiritual Awakening process.

With The Spiritual Awakening Roadmap Course, You’ll Get Instant Access To:

  • Authentic Teachings and Practices You Need To Experience Deeper Peace.
  • Foundations for my unique Ecstatic Union™ approach to gain unparalleled clarity
  • Critical practices, teachings, and missing pieces needed to successfully cultivate deeper peace, joy, and love
  • Methods to dissolve emotional pain and trauma

Lesson 1: Uncover the True Source of Peace, Love, and Joy

Start your journey to spiritual awakening with foundational practices that connect you deeply to your inner self. Jeff Craft guides you through essential concepts and meditative practices designed to ground you into what actually matters and prepare you for profound spiritual growth. 

Highlights include:

  • Begin with What Matters Most: Dive into a guided practice that zeroes in on the true source of Peace, Love, and Joy.
  • Awakening vs Transformation: Understand the crucial difference between Spiritual Awakening and Personal Transformation—and why it’s key to your progress.
  • Mindsets for Success: Adopt three core mindsets to sidestep common pitfalls on your spiritual journey.
  • The Ultimate Goal, Simplified: Learn a straightforward definition of Authentic Spiritual Awakening to keep your focus sharp.
  • Models for Direct Perception: Explore frameworks that help you understand your current state and the unfolding process of awakening.

Lesson 2: Break Through Barriers to Inner Peace

Discover practical tools for energy balance and purification, essential for progressing on your spiritual path. Dive deeper into the essentials of spiritual awakening by exploring the deeper nature of spiritual reality.

Highlights include:

  • Jumpstart Your Practice: Engage in a foundational guided practice to prepare your nervous system for higher states of consciousness.
  • Reality Unveiled: Explore the nature of your current reality and how it shapes your path back to inner peace.
  • The Hidden Truths: Uncover the seldom-discussed nature of spiritual reality and the root causes of stress and suffering.
  • Traditional Stages of Awakening: Dive into the three stages of Spiritual Awakening as outlined by Classical Tantra Yoga.
  • The Role of Chakras: Understand how chakras and energy bodies influence your spiritual state and the awakening process.

Lesson 3: Transform Suffering into Spiritual Growth

With a solid foundation and balanced energy, this lesson focuses on healing and transforming personal karma, essential for deepening your spiritual practice and personal growth. Understand the intricate dance between healing and spiritual awakening.

Highlights include:

  • The Core Practice of Ecstatic Union™: Experience an essential practice designed to dissolve suffering and pave the way for deeper peace and joy.
  • Healing and Awakening: Learn how personal transformation can serve as a catalyst for Spiritual Awakening.
  • Life as Your Spiritual Playground: Discover how to turn life’s challenges and desires into fuel for your spiritual growth.
  • Karma Unpacked: Understand the four types of Karma, how they can create suffering, and how to clear karmic obstacles.
  • The Secret to Progress: Learn what keeps you stuck and how to reframe your experiences to unleash spiritual growth.

Lesson 4: Master the Journey Through Awakening Stages

This final lesson ties together all previous teachings, providing a structured roadmap that prepares you for ongoing spiritual growth and deeper states of consciousness.
Achieve clarity and confidence in your spiritual practice by understanding the stages of spiritual awakening. 

Highlights include:

  • Mindset for Authentic Practice: Adopt a core mindset shift to approach your spiritual practice with wisdom.
  • Contextualizing Practices: Place spiritual practices in their proper context to maintain focus on what truly matters.
  • The Transformation Model: Explore a framework that simplifies the complex process of inner transformation.
  • The Truth About Kundalini: Gain a clear understanding of this often-misunderstood spiritual energy.
  • Your Spiritual Roadmap: Get a bird’s-eye view of the stages of Spiritual Awakening and Transformation to guide your journey.

What You’ll Get:

  • 4 Powerful Classes offering 8 hours of Life-Changing Spiritual Wisdom
  • 5 Guided Experiences and Practices
  • Detailed Handouts of the 5 Stages of Spiritual Awakening and Transformation
  • Lifetime Access to Video Classes, Guided Practice Audios, and Handouts

Effortless Learning Experience

Instant Access

Begin immediately with easy online entry to all course materials.

Flexible Formats

Engage with the lessons in your preferred style—video, audio, or text.

Useful Resources

Support integration with supportive handouts and guided practices.

Ongoing Access

Enjoy lifelong access for as long as your login account remains active.

Foundational Experience in Spiritual Awakening

This Course gave me a great perspective as to where I am in my spiritual journey. It also gave me the tools to start to transcend my own suffering into a response-ability that I was unaware I had. Jeff has a wonderful ability to be compassionate but still pushes you to dig deep on painful subjects. I am truly grateful for Jeff and his knowledge on awakening.”

– Jessey Clark

Choose Your Path to Clarity and Peace

Purchase the Course

Get lifetime access for a one time payment, and begin your journey to clarity and confidence on your spiritual path.

Join the EcstaticU Membership

Get access to this course plus our Full 150+ hour Course library and all member benefits. Join today as a Founding Member.

Unlock Your Full Spiritual Potential with the EcstaticU Membership

Join the EcstaticU community today as a Founding Member and gain instant access to the “Introduction to Sacred Sexuality” course, along with an extensive library of over 150+ hours of transformational courses in healing and spiritual growth. 

Get started for less than the price of a single standalone course, and enjoy:

  • Extensive Learning Library: Gain unlimited access to over 150+ hours of comprehensive courses in healing, spirituality, and personal transformation.
  • Personalized Spiritual Guidance: Benefit from personalized mentoring tailored to your unique spiritual journey through online forums and live events.
  • Growing Community Connections: Be part of a close-knit, supportive community, sharing experiences, discussions, encouragement, and mutual growth.
  • Flexible Learning Options: Engage with the material in your preferred style—video, audio, or text—for an optimal learning experience.
  • Exclusive Member Benefits: Enjoy special access to members-only social groups, forums, workshops, and sessions.
  • Continual Updates & Additions: Stay at the forefront of spiritual learning with continuous updates and new additions to our course and resource libraries.
  • 24/7 Access: Dive into your spiritual studies anytime and stay connected with your EcstaticU Family anywhere through both our user-friendly website and the soon-to-be-released EcstaticU Mobile App.

All this and more available at for a special limited time introductory Founding Member Price.

The Profound Impact of EcstaticU’s Teachings

In a decade of spiritual seeking and practice, I had no idea what I was missing until I took this course. Jeff’s teaching style grants much needed structure and perspective to guide any seeker in their path. My paradigm on the “why”s and “how”s of spiritual awakening is changed forever, and for the better. I finally have the Roadmap I always needed for my journey. Thank you Jeff!”

– Alexa Garcia

A Unique Opportunity at EcstaticU

Join today as a Founding Member of EcstaticU and step onto a focused path of personal transformation and spiritual awakening. This is more than just a membership; it’s an invitation to shape the future of a vibrant spiritual community.
As a Founding Member, you’ll receive:

  • Exclusive Founding Status: Be recognized as a pivotal member in a growing community, with your contribution acknowledged and valued.
  • Guaranteed Best Pricing: Lock in the lowest available rate for the lifetime of your active membership.
  • Influence and Innovate: Directly impact future course development and community features with your feedback and ideas.

By joining, you become part of our intimate social learning network, engaging with interactive courses, participating in community discussions, and connecting with like-minded seekers and mentors.

You’ll have 24/7 access to our extensive learning library, personalized guidance, and a supportive, evolving community.

Unlock the full potential of your spiritual journey with EcstaticU, where your insights and contributions foster a nurturing, dynamic, and supportive space for growth and connection.

For a limited time, our Founding Member plans start at less than $50/month with our Annual Option. 

Membership Options

Begin Your Transformation.
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Begin Your Transformation.
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Begin Your Transformation.
Join Risk-Free Today!


Limited Time Offer

Less than $50 per month. Renews Annually.

Unlock a full year of spiritual growth and transformation at the best value with our Annual Membership. 

Enjoy complete access to all member benefits, exclusive learning resources, personalized guidance, and vibrant community support.


Limited Time Offer

Renews Monthly.

Start your journey with our Monthly Membership, offering personal transformation and spiritual growth with flexibility. 

Enjoy complete access to all member benefits, exclusive learning resources, personalized guidance, and vibrant community support.


Limited Time Offer

Less than $50 per month. Renews Annually.

Unlock a full year of spiritual growth and transformation at the best value with our Annual Membership. 

Enjoy complete access to all member benefits, exclusive learning resources, personalized guidance, and vibrant community support.


Limited Time Offer

Renews Monthly.

Start your journey with our Monthly Membership, offering personal transformation and spiritual growth with flexibility. 

Enjoy complete access to all member benefits, exclusive learning resources, personalized guidance, and vibrant community support.


Limited Time Offer

Less than $50 per month. Renews Annually.

Unlock a full year of spiritual growth and transformation at the best value with our Annual Membership. 

Enjoy complete access to all member benefits, exclusive learning resources, personalized guidance, and vibrant community support.


Limited Time Offer

Renews Monthly.

Start your journey with our Monthly Membership, offering personal transformation and spiritual growth with flexibility. 

Enjoy complete access to all member benefits, exclusive learning resources, personalized guidance, and vibrant community support.


Limited Time Offer

Less than $50 per month. Renews Annually.

Unlock a full year of spiritual growth and transformation at the best value with our Annual Membership. 

Enjoy complete access to all member benefits, exclusive learning resources, personalized guidance, and vibrant community support.


Limited Time Offer

Renews Monthly.

Start your journey with our Monthly Membership, offering personal transformation and spiritual growth with flexibility. 

Enjoy complete access to all member benefits, exclusive learning resources, personalized guidance, and vibrant community support.

  • Extensive Learning Library
  • Personalized Spiritual Guidance
  • Community Support
  • Flexible Learning Options
  • Exclusive Member Benefits
  • Continual Updates & Additions


Money Back Guarantee

Try it for 14 Days Risk Free

At Atlanta School of Tantra Yoga, we believe in the transformational power of our courses and EcstaticU membership.

You don’t have to say YES immediately – just a maybe. From the day you enroll, you have 14 days to explore your purchase. If you find your course or Membership is not the right fit, no worries. Canceling is easy and hassle-free. Simply use our Contact Us page within 14 days to request a full, friendly, and prompt refund. No questions, no complications.

We’re here to support your spiritual journey, risk-free.


Money Back Guarantee

Try it for 14 Days Risk Free

At Atlanta School of Tantra Yoga, we believe in the transformational power of our courses and EcstaticU membership.

You don’t have to say YES immediately – just a maybe. From the day you enroll, you have 14 days to explore your purchase. If you find your course or Membership is not the right fit, no worries. Canceling is easy and hassle-free. Simply use our Contact Us page within 14 days to request a full, friendly, and prompt refund. No questions, no complications.

We’re here to support your spiritual journey, risk-free.

“I do really feel that Jeff has a genuine concern and a genuine caring for the students in the program”

– Stan Brodka

“I loved working with Jeff. Jeff is just kind of like a big teddy bear but yet very professional.”

– Deb Zaccheo

“Speaking from the heart, I would say that what I learned from Jeff’s program truly changed my life for the better.”

– Alexa Garcia

Experience Profound Healing and Growth with EcstaticU’s Founding Membership

Join EcstaticU as a Founding Member and begin your journey toward clarity, confidence, and embodying your True Self.

This unique opportunity not only grants you access to an extensive library of over 150+ hours of transformational courses and meditations but also connects you with a vibrant, growing community.

As a founding member, your insights will shape our future, offering you exclusive founding status, guaranteed best pricing, and the chance to influence the direction of our spiritual community.

Together, we’ll build a nurturing and dynamic environment for personal growth and spiritual development. Whether at home or on the go, EcstaticU is your gateway to a more peaceful, joyful, empowered spiritually aligned life, blending transformational learning with meaningful community engagement.

Our upcoming mobile app will enhance this experience, ensuring you stay connected with your EcstaticU family wherever life takes you.

Join us today as a Founding Member and lead the way in shaping a unique spiritual learning environment dedicated to growth and awakening.

To further explore how the EcstaticU Membership brings clarity, healing, and direction to your unique spiritual journey, you can get more information here.

Our upcoming mobile app will enhance this experience, ensuring you stay connected with your EcstaticU family wherever life takes you.

Join us today as a Founding Member and lead the way in shaping a unique spiritual learning environment dedicated to growth and awakening.

To further explore how the EcstaticU Membership brings clarity, healing, and direction to your unique spiritual journey, you can get more information here.

Start your journey with EcstaticU today

EcstaticU Membership

Choose between our exclusive Founding Member rates of $59/month or $599/year and unlock a world of spiritual and personal transformation.

Or, if you prefer to start with just the “Spiritual Awakening Roadmap” course

Enroll in Just the Course

Get Instant Lifetime Access for only $95 and begin your journey into spiritual awakening.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the “Spiritual Awakening Roadmap” course about?

The Spiritual Awakening Roadmap is a comprehensive guide to navigating your spiritual journey. This course offers a structured path to spiritual awakening, integrating foundational concepts, practical tools, and guided practices. It’s designed to help you gain clarity, dissolve emotional pain and trauma, and cultivate a deep sense of peace, joy, and spiritual growth.

Who is this course ideal for?

This course is perfect for sincere spiritual seekers at any stage of their journey. Whether you’re new to the spiritual path or have been exploring for years, the Spiritual Awakening Roadmap provides valuable insights, practices, and guidance to deepen your understanding and progress. It’s ideal for anyone seeking to integrate spirituality into their daily life and achieve a profound connection with their true self.

Can I access the course materials at any time?

Yes, one of the benefits of this course and the EcstaticU Membership is flexibility. You can access all materials anytime, anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection and an active account.

How long will I have access to the “Spiritual Awakening Roadmap” course?

If you purchase the standalone course, you’ll have lifetime access to it as long as your login account remains active. For EcstaticU Membership subscribers, the course remains accessible for as long as your membership is active.

EcstaticU Community Membership FAQs

Can you tell me more about the EcstaticU Community Membership?

For an in-depth look at the EcstaticU Community Membership and all it offers, including access to over 150+ hours of transformational courses, personalized guidance, and a supportive community, visit our detailed information page. Here, you’ll find everything you need to know about how joining can help you navigate your unique spiritual journey with clarity and confidence.

What does the EcstaticU Membership include?

As a member, you get access to the “Introduction to Sacred Sexuality” course, plus over 150+ hours of transformational courses in healing and spiritual growth, personalized guidance, community support, and much more.

Who is the EcstaticU Membership Ideal for?

The EcstaticU Membership is ideally suited for anyone on a journey of personal healing, transformation, and spiritual awakening. It’s perfect for those who seek a clear, focused, and authentic spiritual path that supports and enriches modern life. Our community is a haven for individuals at all stages of their spiritual journey, from those just beginning to explore their path to experienced practitioners seeking deeper insights. If you’re looking to navigate your spiritual endeavors with clarity and confidence, amidst a like-minded community, then the EcstaticU Membership is for you.

How is the Founding Member status special?

Founding Members receive the lowest available rate for their membership, which is locked in for the duration of their active membership. They also have a unique opportunity to influence the community and course offerings.

As a Founding Member, how can I contribute to the community?

Your insights, experiences, and feedback will be crucial in shaping the community’s culture. You’ll have opportunities to participate in discussions, surveys, and community-building activities.

Are Membership Payments recurring?

Yes. The Monthly and Annual membership options will auto-renew unless you cancel or pause your membership before the upcoming renewal date.

Is there a trial period for the EcstaticU Membership?

Currently, we don’t offer a trial period, but our membership comes with a 14-Day satisfaction guarantee to ensure you feel confident in your decision to join.

What if I’m not satisfied with the course or membership?

We offer a 14-day satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied, you can contact us for a refund within the first 14 days.

How does the upcoming EcstaticU Mobile App enhance my experience?

The mobile app will provide seamless access to all resources, making it even more convenient to engage with course materials and the community from anywhere.

Course Content

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About Instructor

Jeff Craft (Kali Das)

Jeff Craft (Kali Das) is the Founder and Director of the Atlanta School of Tantra Yoga, and the creator of the Ecstatic Union® Healing System.​His work focuses on weaving together Non-Dual approaches to Tantra through the interrelationship of the Vedic Sciences, and grounding them into practical healing tools for a modern Spiritual Path.Beginning his studies in 1990, his Professional Certifications include Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 500), Vedic Astrologer, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Massage Therapist, and multiple Energy Healing approaches, among many others.He received Shaktipat initiation from his Guru in September 2002. That marked the beginning of an accelerated Nondual Spiritual Path based upon Nondual Tantra and Advaita Vedanta.

27 Courses

+214 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • 40 Topics
  • 1 Quiz

Ratings and Reviews

Avg. Rating
8 Ratings
What's your experience? We'd love to know!
Michelle Howard
Posted 5 months ago
Great foundation establishment

Unsure how to proceed and navigate my healing and spiritual journey, I came across Jeff's material and this course has helped me establish a foundation; a much needed foundation with direction, and tools to use in tandem with the teachings. I am grateful.

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Franklin Carrion
Posted 1 year ago
Most impressed


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Jessey Clark
Posted 3 years ago
Foundational Experience in spiritual Awakening

This Course gave me a great perspective as to where I am in my spiritual journey. It also gave me the tools to start to transcend my own suffering into a response-ability that I was unaware I had. Jeff has a wonderful ability to be compassionate but still pushes you to dig deep on painful subjects. I am truly grateful for Jeff and his knowledge on awakening.

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Sara H.
Posted 4 years ago
Spiritual Awakening

This course is a beautiful unfolding of spiritual wealth from an experienced, qualified teacher. I've read many books on Tantra as a spiritual process but never came away with a clear concept of what that practice could or would be. Following this course was an experience of total consciousness expansion. The possibilities of spiritual awakening that opened to me are immense.

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Deb Zaccheo
Posted 4 years ago
I am witnessing myself awakening and transforming

I find Jeff’s teachings to be deep, thorough, well prepared, and well presented. With mastery of language, he can eloquently and rapidly present it in an easy to understand way. His Spiritual teachings based on Tantric Principals have solidified the truth of my being and I am witnessing myself awakening and transforming on a now noticeably clear Spiritual path.

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Alexa Garcia
Posted 4 years ago
Structure & Perspective Needed to Guide a Seeker

In a decade of spiritual seeking and practice, I had no idea what I was missing until I took this course. Jeff's teaching style grants much needed structure and perspective to guide any seeker in their path. My paradigm on the "why"s and "how"s of spiritual awakening is changed forever, and for the better. I finally have the Roadmap I always needed for my journey. Thank you Jeff!

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stan brodka
Posted 4 years ago
Better than expected

I would highly recommend this course. There are great discussions on the big picture goals as well as the steps along the way. Jeff does a really great job in explaining abstract concepts as well as providing meditation/practices with the goal of learning from experience...It is actually hard to give a review because there is so much value in the program.

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gary lawson
Posted 4 years ago
Finding Peace

I always enjoy your classes. You talk about things I would never know about. You make me think, you make me smile, but most of all you make me feel good about myself. Thanks!

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