Yamas & Niyamas for Deepening Spiritual Practice
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About Instructor
Jeff Craft (Kali Das)
Jeff Craft (Kali Das) is the Founder and Director of the Atlanta School of Tantra Yoga, and the creator of the Ecstatic Union® Healing System.His work focuses on weaving together Non-Dual approaches to Tantra through the interrelationship of the Vedic Sciences, and grounding them into practical healing tools for a modern Spiritual Path.Beginning his studies in 1990, his Professional Certifications include Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 500), Vedic Astrologer, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Massage Therapist, and multiple Energy Healing approaches, among many others.He received Shaktipat initiation from his Guru in September 2002. That marked the beginning of an accelerated Nondual Spiritual Path based upon Nondual Tantra and Advaita Vedanta.
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Course Includes
- 14 Lessons
- 104 Topics
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Jeff's clear and concise teaching method, paired with his guided meditation practices, were a wonderful way to deepen my understanding of the ancient wisdom teachings of Yamas & Niyamas. I came in with a basic understanding of these principles, but I left with a profound awareness of how they were affecting, and could be applied to transform, my everyday life. So glad I took this class!