The Keys to Spiritual Awakening,

Higher Consciousness, and Deeper Peace...

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"Which Spiritual Awakening Stage are you in?" Quiz!

Based upon the information you've shared and the little I know about you and your situation, the Spiritual Awakening Stage that I think makes the most sense for you is:

Your Quiz Results!


Here's What That Means:

Now that you understand your current Spiritual Awakening Stage, let's talk about the ideal next step for you...

Awaken to Deeper Peace, Love, Joy and Higher States of Consciousness...

You see, while it’s important to know which of the 5 Spiritual Awakening Stages you are in… 

What’s even more important is to have a clear understanding of what an Authentic Path of Spiritual Awakening actually is and how to effectively navigate the Path to awaken deeper Peace, Love and Joy.

Let Me Explain...

You see, it's quite common that even the most sincere of spiritual aspirants get stuck in their current spiritual awakening stage because the daily challenges and struggles they face distract them from a deeper focus on their Spiritual Path.

Let's face it, we live in a fast paced, stressful world. Many of us experience challenges with work, family, relationships, health, finances and other important areas of our day to day life. These challenges can keep us from the peace we really desire, and the stress can even lead to negative emotions, depression, anxiety, and fear.

This day to day stress can lead to a cascade of challenges on the Spiritual Path, leading to some of these experiences:

  • Managing the stress of life can make it hard to carve out time for a spiritual practice.
  • When deeper peace and joy feel just out of reach, we can become a bit overwhelmed or confused by all of the practices, teachings and different perspectives there are.
  • And this confusion can cause some to feel doubts. Doubts about the benefits. Doubts about the Path and the Teachings. And even doubts about our own ability to successfully navigate the path.
  • Doubts strengthen the confusion, which can strengthen the emotional stress.
  • And, then we feel stuck and keep trying our best to navigate the ups and downs of life.

Unfortunately, many sincere spiritual seekers spend decades caught between the experiences of the world and their deeper desire for Peace and Spiritual Awakening. They become distracted by life's challenges and the emotional stress that it brings, and don't have the teachings and perspectives needed to confidently accelerate the path of Spiritual Awakening.

How can you overcome stress, negative emotions, confusion and doubt?

The Path to Peace, Love, Joy and

Spiritual Awakening

Thankfully, there are clear teachings and focused steps that can help you navigate the ups and downs of life, while reducing stress and cultivating peace, love and joy.

It all begins with having a clear Roadmap that reveals the big picture of what Authentic Spiritual awakening actually is, and how the process of healing and personal transformation support the Spiritual Path.

Using this Roadmap helps:

  • Create the clarity and focus needed to cultivate deeper peace, joy and love, so you can more gracefully navigate the ups and downs of life
  • Shift your focus towards the most essential wisdom, tools and practices needed for Spiritual Awakening, Healing and Personal Transformation
  • Change your relationship to life and yourself in ways that reduce stress and reveal new perspectives that make life more harmonious and vibrant
  • Weave daily life and your spiritual practice together, so the experiences of daily life become an integral part of the Spiritual Path
  • Invite a new sense of confidence, clarity and focus that will accelerate growth, healing and Spiritual Awakening

This Roadmap reveals where the Spiritual Path is taking you, the tools and teachings you need to get there, and the process for navigating the Path so you can confidently evolve your Spiritual Awakening Stage and experience the deeper peace and love you are seeking.

Now You Might Be Wondering...

How can you incorporate the wisdom, tools and practices of a Roadmap into your current spiritual practice, and awaken deeper peace, love and joy while accelerating Spiritual Awakening?

And how can you confidently grow and evolve your spiritual path while also navigating the challenges and stress of daily life?

Well, this is what I do… I help sincere spiritual seekers, new and experienced, to get super clear on the path and process of Spiritual Awakening and help them evolve from their current spiritual awakening stage and create a deeper experience of peace, joy, love and higher states of consciousness.

It just so happens that I've created a foundational Spiritual Awakening Roadmap Course that is the perfect next step for you.

And, because you’ve made the time to take this assessment and tell me a little about your situation, I’d love to offer you instant access to this powerful course for a huge discount off the regular price...

The Roadmap Course is a deep dive overview of what's needed to clear up confusion, remove doubts and help you gain access to the critical missing pieces rarely discussed in most mainstream spiritual teachings…

And through the process, you will discover the keys to dissolving the hidden cause of emotional pain and suffering so you can access expanded peace and bring more love, joy and grace to your experience of life.

The Course helps you accelerate and deepen your Spiritual Awakening process and expands your access to the true source of peace, love and joy.

Get all the details below and be sure to take advantage of this special offer today!

Life Can Feel Overwhelming...
The Roadmap Brings Clarity and Peace.

With The Spiritual Awakening Roadmap Course You'll Get Instant Access To The Authentic Teachings and Practices You Need To Experience Deeper Peace.

The keys to personal growth and overcoming emotional stress and trauma are rooted in a deep understanding of the process of Spiritual Awakening.

This course reveals the critical practices, teachings and missing pieces needed to successfully cultivate deeper peace, joy and love while also accelerating authentic Spiritual Awakening.

Limited Time Offer...

ONLY $7!

The keys to personal growth and overcoming emotional stress and trauma are rooted in a deep understanding of the process of Spiritual Awakening.

This course reveals the critical practices, teachings and missing pieces needed to successfully cultivate deeper peace, joy and love while also accelerating authentic Spiritual Awakening.

Discover The Simple Truths That Advanced Seekers Use To Cultivate Peace, Joy and Love

Enroll Today For Instant Access And Discover:

  • How to Accelerate Spiritual Awakening & Personal Transformation
  • The Main Process and Method to Heal Past Karma, Emotional Stress and Trauma
  • The Secrets to Cultivate Peace, Joy and Love
  • The Most Effective Techniques and Teachings that are Essential to Reach the Final Goal
  • And MUCH More...

Powerful Teachings

Guided Practices

Life Changing Wisdom


4 Powerful Classes That Create CLARITY AND PEACE

Whether you are fairly new to the spiritual path or have been exploring for decades, these 4 Classes are designed to remove past confusions and doubts, and awaken clarity on what actually matters so that you can increase your confidence, experience deeper peace and accelerate the Spiritual Awakening process. 


Class 1

Lay the Foundations for Peace, Love and Joy

  • Experience a guided practice that directs you towards the true source of Peace, Love and Joy (So you get started right away focusing on the one thing that matters)
  • Finally understand the important distinction between Spiritual Awakening and Personal Transformation, and why this difference is an important key to making progress (HINT: Most Mainstream spiritual teachings are offering Personal Transformation, not Spiritual Awakening)
  • Discover 3 Core mindsets to help avoid common obstacles on the Spiritual Path
  • Learn a clear, simple definition of the goal of Authentic Spiritual Awakening so you can focus on the one thing that actually matters (eliminating the single biggest obstacle to making progress)
  • Explore Helpful Models for awakening to direct perception of Spiritual Reality (This helps you understand your current state and the process for awakening)

Class 2

Overcome Obstacles and Awaken Peace

  • Experience a foundational guided practice to begin opening the flow of greater joy and preparing your nervous system for higher states of consciousness (So you can dive right into your practice)
  • Explore the Nature of your current reality, how it is formed, and how this knowledge reveals the Path back to Peace, Love and Joy
  • Discover the rarely discussed nature of spiritual reality and the core causes of stress, pain and suffering (This invites a shift in your perception of life that accelerates the path of spiritual awakening)
  • Explore the 3 stages of Spiritual Awakening as defined by Classical Tantra Yoga
  • Learn the role Chakras and Energy bodies play in both our limited state and the process of Spiritual Awakening

Class 3

Dissolve Suffering and Expand Peace, Love and Joy

  • Experience a powerful essential practice to remove the causes of suffering, invite healing, and pave the way for a deeper connection to Peace, Love and Joy (This is the core practice for all spiritual progress at any stage)
  • Discover what healing really is, and how personal transformation can also support Spiritual Awakening (So you understand the intersection between consciously creating a more fulfilling, joyful life and the process of Spiritual Awakening itself)
  • Explore how the process of life can become an integral part of your Spiritual Awakening Path (So you can use your deepest desires and fears as fuel to consciously accelerate spiritual awakening)
  • Learn the 4 types of Karma, how they can create suffering, and the method of removing karmic obstacles to deeper Peace (So you understand the core process needed for spiritual awakening, personal transformation and healing)
  • Discover a model for what keeps us stuck, and how to reframe life experience to invite progress and growth (This gives you context to understand what is actually happening on the spiritual journey and how to avoid common pitfalls)

Class 4

Confidently Navigate the Stages of Awakening

  • Discover a Core Mindset Shift for approaching Authentic Spiritual Practice (so you avoid unnecessary frustration and suffering)
  • Place spiritual practices into proper context (so you don't get sidetracked and can stay focused on the one thing that actually matters)
  • Explore a powerful model for understanding the process of inner transformation in connection to Spiritual Awakening (This makes it easy to understand what you are doing and why)
  • Learn what's needed to get to higher stages of awakening and the truth about Kundalini (This spiritual energy is misunderstood in mainstream teachings)
  • Gain clarity on the Stages of Spiritual Awakening and Transformation and see the big picture of the Spiritual Journey (So you know where you are in the process, how to strengthen your foundation, and what your next steps are)

Limited Time Offer! Save $138 by Enrolling TODAY!

Ready To Cultivate Peace, Joy and Love?

Enroll Today For Instant Access And Get:

  • 4 Powerful Classes with Essential Life Changing Spiritual Wisdom
  • 5 Guided Experiences and Practices to Invite Deeper Spiritual Awareness
  • A Detailed Handout of the 5 Stages of Spiritual Awakening and Transformation
  • Lifetime Access to Video Classes, Guided Practice Audios and Handouts
  • $138 Off The Regular Price (95% off)

About Jeff Craft (Kali Das)

Jeff Craft (Kali Das) is an American-born spiritual teacher and healer who has been guiding others since 1997.

Jeff's teachings are based upon the wisdom transmitted by his Guru combined with his own studies and experiences of walking the Spiritual Path.

Over the past three decades he has come to recognize Five Stages of Spiritual Awakening and Personal Transformation, and discover the core obstacles that prevent seekers from making progress.

Drawing primarily from the teachings of Tantra Yoga, Kashmir Shaivism and Advaita Vedanta, he uses modern language to invite a direct experience of the freedom that exists as universal truth beyond the limitations of any specific tradition.

Knowing your current Spiritual Awakening Stage in context with the Spiritual Awakening Roadmap is the first step to understanding where you are in your Journey and what practices and next steps will best help you evolve to higher Stages.


Ratings and Reviews

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8 Ratings
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Michelle Howard
Posted 6 months ago
Great foundation establishment

Unsure how to proceed and navigate my healing and spiritual journey, I came across Jeff's material and this course has helped me establish a foundation; a much needed foundation with direction, and tools to use in tandem with the teachings. I am grateful.

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Franklin Carrion
Posted 2 years ago
Most impressed


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Jessey Clark
Posted 3 years ago
Foundational Experience in spiritual Awakening

This Course gave me a great perspective as to where I am in my spiritual journey. It also gave me the tools to start to transcend my own suffering into a response-ability that I was unaware I had. Jeff has a wonderful ability to be compassionate but still pushes you to dig deep on painful subjects. I am truly grateful for Jeff and his knowledge on awakening.

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Sara H.
Posted 4 years ago
Spiritual Awakening

This course is a beautiful unfolding of spiritual wealth from an experienced, qualified teacher. I've read many books on Tantra as a spiritual process but never came away with a clear concept of what that practice could or would be. Following this course was an experience of total consciousness expansion. The possibilities of spiritual awakening that opened to me are immense.

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Deb Zaccheo
Posted 4 years ago
I am witnessing myself awakening and transforming

I find Jeff’s teachings to be deep, thorough, well prepared, and well presented. With mastery of language, he can eloquently and rapidly present it in an easy to understand way. His Spiritual teachings based on Tantric Principals have solidified the truth of my being and I am witnessing myself awakening and transforming on a now noticeably clear Spiritual path.

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Alexa Garcia
Posted 4 years ago
Structure & Perspective Needed to Guide a Seeker

In a decade of spiritual seeking and practice, I had no idea what I was missing until I took this course. Jeff's teaching style grants much needed structure and perspective to guide any seeker in their path. My paradigm on the "why"s and "how"s of spiritual awakening is changed forever, and for the better. I finally have the Roadmap I always needed for my journey. Thank you Jeff!

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stan brodka
Posted 4 years ago
Better than expected

I would highly recommend this course. There are great discussions on the big picture goals as well as the steps along the way. Jeff does a really great job in explaining abstract concepts as well as providing meditation/practices with the goal of learning from experience...It is actually hard to give a review because there is so much value in the program.

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gary lawson
Posted 4 years ago
Finding Peace

I always enjoy your classes. You talk about things I would never know about. You make me think, you make me smile, but most of all you make me feel good about myself. Thanks!

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Get Clarity On The Spiritual Path to Peace Today!


Only $7

The keys to personal growth and overcoming emotional stress and trauma are rooted in a deep understanding of the process of Spiritual Awakening.

This course reveals the critical practices, teachings and missing pieces needed to successfully cultivate deeper peace, joy and love while also accelerating authentic Spiritual Awakening.

Here's What Others Say About Working With Jeff


Life Changing!

My life has been a Spiritual Path from very early on. The understanding and expanded awareness given through these 6 classes has been very impactful in my day-to-day awareness. I have been able to release and relax even more into life as it is, without forcing or trying to change anything or anyone, including myself! My understanding of Tantra has grown exponentially, from 0-100 in just a very short time. Tantra delivers a framework and conceptual understanding that can be shared with anyone regardless of place on the path or off the path which produces personal results, as well as greater growth and awareness of the sacred nature of all of life. Life changing!

Kate Will - Pre-School Teacher, Yoga Instructor, Ayurvedic Practitioner

I feel fortunate to be your student.

I have been having a truly amazing experience on the spiritual path, and have witnessed my sensitivities to subtle energies growing as I move with increasing awareness. I would also like to express my gratitude for what I have already learned and experienced with you. You have been both effective and a pleasure to learn from as a teacher and I feel fortunate to be your student.

Swami Dhyan Tilopa - Atlanta, Georgia

I felt a connection to a higher essence that was beautiful.

Thank you! This was an extraordinary experience for me. I am still trying to find words to describe what happened to me that night. I felt a connection to a higher essence that was beautiful. Thank you for having a group like this. I wish the whole world were ready to connect like this. It would be a completely different place.

Roz P. - Austell, Georgia

I learned to trust and see the goodness in things I was afraid of.

I was skeptical if it would be effective, but the experience changed my perception. Jeff helped me recognize that I had a self-defeating relationship with the universe. He taught me how to pray. How to view my suffering. How to navigate a difficult emotional storm that had me in its grip. I learned to trust and see the goodness in things I was afraid of.

Tom Yaroschuk - Producer

Jeff is an excellent astrologer and teacher.

Jeff is an excellent astrologer and teacher. He combines great technical skill and understanding with a lot of compassion for his clients. I highly recommend him.

Sam Geppi (Sadasiva) - Author of "The Ascendant" and "Yoga and Vedic Astrology". Founder of the American Academy of Vedic Art and Science.

I gained confidence. Peace. Grounding.

I was in a place in my life where I needed support through grieving - life as I'd known it was dying, and I needed support to create something new. The key takeaway in my work with Jeff was the realization and visualization of my full, authentic self. For years of my life, I have felt out of place in my 'bigness', and I have attempted to shrink to make others more comfortable. Jeff challenged me once to reinvent myself, and the possibility to do so began on the day that he helped me to see who I am as a spiritual being... I gained confidence. Peace. Grounding. And the increasing bravery to be authentic, no matter how it effects other people. I recommend Jeff's work for any person ripe with the desire for change.

Ama McKinley - Advertising Professional. Dallas, TX

Real, practical and powerful steps to find balance...

Jeff has supported me in many ways. First, through explanation of my astrological makeup he's helped me understand more about myself and how I show up in intimate relationships. He highlighted a few areas in need of improvement and provided me with real, practical and powerful steps to find balance in these areas. And they've worked. I'm currently enjoying the most significant intimate relationship of my life.

Dave Lesinski - Teacher

Limited Time Offer! Save $138 by Enrolling TODAY!


Increase Peace, Joy and Love On The Spiritual Path!

Enroll Today For Instant Access And Get:

  • 4 Powerful Classes with Essential Life Changing Spiritual Wisdom
  • 5 Guided Experiences and Practices to Invite Deeper Spiritual Awareness
  • A Detailed Handout of the 5 Stages of Spiritual Awakening and Transformation
  • Lifetime Access to Video Classes, Guided Practice Audios and Handouts
  • $138 Off The Regular Price (95% off)

30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

If within the first 30 days you determine that the Spiritual Awakening Roadmap is not positively supporting your path

of Spiritual Awakening, just send an email request and you will be issued a prompt refund.

Copyright © 2020 Atlanta School of Tantra Yoga. All Rights Reserved
